E-waste Recycling and Disposal

Our IT teams in all our offices worldwide recycle unwanted electronic goods as required, using specialized local recycling companies in each region. Furthermore, in some locations we employ initiatives to recycle electronics in novel ways. In our Israel office for example, once a year, we invite our employees to take any old IT equipment for their personal use, reducing their need to buy similar equipment for their homes.

As technology gets more efficient, Ceva endeavors to replace and upgrade our old office equipment to ensure our energy footprint remains low. When Ceva invests in new hardware, we assess various power consumption options to enable us to purchase the best option to reduce our overall energy consumption. Most of our desktops and laptops are ENERGY Star compliant.


Office Recycling

Office recycling programs are in place in all of our major offices. For example, in our offices in Israel, Ireland, the U.K. and the U.S.A, all document waste is shredded and recycled through specialised local companies. All ink cartridges are similarly recycled using specialized local companies or returned to the manufacturers through their recycling programs.


Waste Management

In our facilities in Israel, Ireland, the U.K. and the U.S.A, we have dedicated recycling bins for paper, batteries, bottles and carton boxes. All of our offices have water dispensers to avoid plastic water bottle use.

Ceva is continually looking for ways to minimize waste wherever possible, including:

  • Reducing print volume by encouraging online use
  • Using online document storage
  • Using online banking to conduct the majority of our business


Water Management

As a semiconductor IP licensing company, all of our water consumption is related to the buildings in which our business operates, with no manufacturing or other major uses. Nevertheless, we still believe every bit of water conservation helps and we strive to reduce our water usage where possible. We encourage our landlords to retrofit bathrooms and kitchens with low-flow fixtures and utilize weather-based irrigation controls in the office grounds to restrict the use of irrigation when not required.


Our people

Environmental stewardship begins at the individual level, in the community and at home. With that in mind, many of our efforts are aimed at helping employees better understand their individual impact on the environment and developing ways to make stewardship and conservation an easy choice.
Current activities include:

  • Putting recycling containers in common workplace areas
  • Soliciting environmental-related suggestions from employees
  • Utilizing technology, in the form of virtual meeting capabilities and telecommuting, to help reduce roadway congestion, air pollution and fuel consumption


Environmental responsibility in action

At Ceva, we have many activities currently underway to bring our environmental commitment to life.

  • At our U.K. and Ireland locations, we encourage employees to cycle to and from work through our participation in the Bike to Work scheme, which offers tax incentives for the purchase of a commuter bike.
  • At our Israeli office, we have a special employee bike storage place and washrooms for the use of our employees cycling to work.
  • Our China, Taiwan, French and Mountain View, California offices include charging stations for electric vehicles